Elikkäs, Mistiquetten hiukset olivat niin karmeassa kunnossa kiitos liima ongelman, että nips naps neiti oli kalju.
Mutta kiitos Miku_6 neiti sai uudet kutrit~!
Lisäksi tein hänelle sellaiset suloiset kissan korvat, kuten kuvasta tuolla alempana sitten näettekin. ;)
Ja ja sitten... Alun alkaessakaan en oikein pitänyt Icegirlin kasvoista ja meikistä, joten eräänä päivänä pällisteltyäni Miserya tarpeeksi kauan meni hermot ja tein uudet kasvot joiden kanssa minulla oli ihan hemmetin hankalaa jos minkälaisia haasteita. Mutta se niistä pölinöistä, mennäänpä kuvien pariin.~
Tälläine pehko neidolla on nykyään. ^^
Korvat on tehty cernit-massasta.
No tässäpä teille Miseryseni~ Hänelläkin siis uudet hiukset (kiitos Lee-). ♥
Sit Back Now, Let Me Tell You A Tale Where Justice Does Not Prevail About An Ill-Fated Life, So Very Full Of Strife Where Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right
When I Was Born I Did Surely Scorn My Proud Parents Name Then Their Lives Went Down The Drain
Drove Them Insane My Birth Was A Curse I Bit The Nurse Oh, But I Love The Worst
I Deserve To Be Slowly Submersed Dried Out Then Laid In A Hearse
When I Was Two I Poured Super Glue Into My Fathers Hair
As He Sat Unaware In His Arm Chair Much To His Dismay Had To Cut It All Away Oh, But It Felt Great
I Deserve To Be Cut And Filleted Then Tossed About In Disarray Until The Pieces Melt Away
I Am Not A Bad Man Even Though I Do Bad Things Very Bad Things Such Horrible Things
But It's Not Quite What It Seems **Not Quite What He Seems** Not Quite What I Seem
Ah, Hell It's Exactly What It Seems
When I Was Four I'd Wait By The Door With A Knife In My Hand And A Most Devious Plan
It Would Be Quite Grand As The Mail Fell Through The Slot The Sharp Edge He Got Oh, But I Like The Thought
I Deserve To Be Tied In A Knot Broken Bones And Blood Clots
When I Was Six I Used To Trick The Next Door Neighbors Son In The Woods We Would Run
Time For Fun Hide And Seek Has A Cost He Would Be Forever Lost Oh, But I Love To Scoff
I Deveserve To Have My Head Lopped Off Hidden And Covered In Moss Until This Memory's Forgot
I Am Not A Bad Man Even Though I Do Bad Things Very Bad Things Such Horrible Things But It's Not Quite What It Seems **Not Quite What He Seems** Not Quite What I Seem Ah, Hell It's Exactly What It Seems